Gentle Laser
Comfortable treatment uses a laser to target only disease tissue. No cuts and no stitches.
Quick Procedure
After two 2-hour visits, you will be able to return to normal activities.
High Success Rate
98% of cases are successful and recover with little complication.
Effective and safe.
PerioLase Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure (LANAP) is the latest technology used by periodontists for safe and effective gum tissue restoration and periodontal tissue therapy. This revolutionary new treatment is a minimally invasive procedure and requires no cuts or stitching.
Watch LANAP in Action
This video illustrates the gentle non-invasive LANAP procedure. A laser fiber the width of three human hairs targets disease, but leaves healthy tissue intact.
Dr. Jonathan Weng
Certified LANAP Specialist
Our in-house periodontist is one of only a handful of specialists certified and trained in providing LANAP in the San Francisco Bay area.
Certified LANAP Provider
"No cutting, no stitching no bleeding. It was easy and painless. And best of all no facial swelling and you can eat normally afterwards. What could be better than that?"
Judy S.
"The procedure took less than 2 hours, was relatively painless and I experienced mild discomfort in the affected area for only around 24 hours."
Owen T.